First off, let me point out that were able to do reviews to give our opinions and rightfully so. If people have complaints then let them complain (*cough cough* Im talking about you, Tamaradawn). Itll only help the devs work on their games more if they care enough. Anyways, Id like to say that this game was a little bit more funny than scary. The very beginning youre seeing some weird glitchy scene of a plane crashing, you can clip through the plane and buildings, and for some reason the anime dude that we meet is giant in comparison to us (unless Im the only one who experienced this). The dogs are hilarious because their ragdoll physics thrash out everywhere after slaying them haha plus sometimes you can end up underneath the map because of a few bugs here and there. Those are a few issues I can point out. Another big problem is the constant ads even if you put your device on airplane mode. Im only giving this game a 3 star because of the hidden comedy it has.
Julian the dude about Lights Off - Free Horror Game, v7.0